Welcome to Fraselle Consultants
Fraselle Consultants located in Nice & Paris are specialised in all aspects of wealth management and will select the most efficient solutions for you. Contact us for advice on Financial Investments, Real Estate Investments & Loans, Life Assurance, Retirement, Tax Planning, Estate Planning and the general management of Assets.

Our Commitments
We are experts in our field! There is a lot of misleading information on the internet and in the media. By allowing us, the experts, to guide you in the management of your financial & property investments we can prioritize the essential from the incidental; the pertinent from the superfluous.
In order to advise you effectively, a wealth management expert needs your trust almost as much as your personal physician, so that over time the best results can be achieved. The greater the degree of trust between yourselves and Fraselle Consultants, the more successful and prosperous the relationship will be in the future.
As with your physician or doctor, the first step will consist of a comprehensive financial check-up in order to make a « Diagnosis ». Our main purpose is to identify and understand your wealth management objectives in order to then propose the most suitable solutions.

Our Expertises

Fraselle Consultants helps you develop an investor behaviour that's optimally tailored to the financial markets.
The financial markets respect their commitments to deliver performance over time; the European equities market has made 9% a year whilst the US market has made 15.5% a year over the last 20 years.
It is often impetuous, premature sales that destroy the potential for market results.

Your needs and goals
You are the client
For Fraselle Consultants, your goals and wealth management needs are our raison d'être.
Using the expertise of an independent wealth management consultant – in lieu of a traditional or private banker or insurance agent ensures that your expectations and objectives can best be achieved.